What'cha Lookin' Fer?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We have choices ...

I mentioned in my previous post, the meaning of life is in the pursuit of the meaning of life ...do i need to explain it a little further? Let's see ...

Knowledge -- man, how does one define knowledge <---hint, click here <---
Intelligence -- putting it all together
Wisdom -- applying it

We can put it in a roleplaying format: the more knowledge you gain and use that knowledge, the more intelligent you get; thus, the more you practice everything you learn and how certain things work together or don't work together, the better you get at applying it. And then there's charisma, but not now.

Or the creation view with the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil ...in that case, life being the pursuit of life (meaning of life), and knowledge being the sudden epifany (did i spell that right?) that one has a choice of 'good' and 'evil.'

We have choices ...

Although faith has played a very instrumental role in my pursuit, I don't claim a religion. I understand much about faith and socio-alliance structures, but do not align with any one system. In a sense, I have used religion to 'see the big picture.' I do believe that ALL the 'parts' of the globe/world are integral to all of what was, is, and is to come. I believe its in the correlation of and desire for truth and answers from history that will prepare us for EVERYTHING that is to come, and whats next on the horizon. In school, I remember classes being referred to as lessons ...history lessons: Did we learn anything?

The American society has absolutely no reason to be behind the bar on so many levels. In this wonderfully crafted democratic society we proudly call home, we have the access to vast volumes and libraries and resources of just about everything, yet we piddle potential away with convenience, comfort, and complacency. Saying we're proud as Americans isn't as loud as taking pride in being American. Being the leading example of all human potential is at our feet, but we trample over it for the sake of convenience, comfort, and complacency.

A philosophy of mine is 'Life is a quest with an undefined beginning, and an undefined end. To know where it goes, one must find the origin.' I believe it to be possible through correlative inspection to find the 'origin,' thus finding truth. To borrow a cliche from a mainstream faith, the truth will set us free. Somewhere, globally, mankind got way off course and followed tangents rather than truth. Greed soon reared its ugly head, and now we're in the pickle of a lifetime. I believe we can find the origin, find the truth, see where we are, and make way for where we're going ...but not until we take pride in being Americans ...take pride in being human. Our choices direct our paths; every action has an opposite and equal reaction; every decision comes with consequences.

There is a MIGHTY change coming to this globe; I believe we can all be ready, and we can all play an integral part in how things shape for the future.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Been a bit ...

Its been a while since my last post, and i apologize ...lol.

Its two weeks into the new election, and what an election it was. The election by an obvious turnout of new voters, young voters and veterans. A new generation has taken stand, and a nation as a whole has said so much. Yet, i need to ask, are we as a nation ready for this? Is the world ready for this?

How many people have had the opportunity to educate themselves outside anything traditional? How many of us really understand all the implications of EVERYTHING that is occurring ...right now? Who is watching the WHOLE picture, not just the new picture in the hallway?

As this blogspot header begins with, i'm all about learning something. I believe we all need to 'learn something.' Some time ago (like some 15 years), something sparked in me to find the meaning of life. I think i found it. No, it wasn't religion, although the faith i was involved in taught me a tremendous lesson. But, it was during that time of faith that the spark became a fire. In short, the meaning of life is in the pursuit of the meaning of life (which is one reason I believe humans are set apart from the rest of life on the globe). In my pursuit, I've learned that learning everything you can is the best way to 1) exercise your mind (not necessarily brain ...unless you need to) and 2) stabilize life and direct its path by being versatile/agile.

Now, I need to figure a way share what I see in the 'picture' I'm viewing without any readers just clickin off ...hmmm.

Asteroid, Four years, Election, Israel, Ishmael, Abraham, Obama, Clinton, Syria, Persia, Mayan, Time, Space, 2012, calendar, US, Europe, etc. etc.

I am really hoping no one looks into this with an alarmist or conspiratal slant, but I am completely well aware that it most definitely can. Is conspiratal even a word?

This election precursors a point in time that I believe has been set, like a clock, in the universal design. Hmmm! Does that sound right? I have had the awkward yearning (lol) for and obvious opportunity to grab and relate some history, astronomy, philosophy, theology, psychology, and sociology for the purpose of education ...knowledge. I'm still working on the wisdom part though, lol. Anyway, I belive I have been able to correlate similarities between everything that involves life (haha, that sounds a little presumptuous and eccentric), including time. Now, I'm really throwing myself out there and i'm going to be the laughing stock of, well, everyone. Lol, oh well, its my blog.

Anyway, I invite all to continue coming back if you wanna hear what I gotta say, hopefully learn something. I'm always open for comments and will personally read them.

And I'm changing the subhead of the blog ...hope u like it. lol.

I recommend everyone look up 2012 in Wikipedia. Look at all those elections that year. It is also the year of the Water Dragon (i believe ...please correct me if i'm wrong). There's also this 'alleged' hoax of an asteroid/comet (planet in some circles) that is supposed to pass by earth. Also, the long-count calendar, made popular by Mayans and many Mesopotamians, has an awesome climax at the end of 2012. Then there is the apocalyptic timeline from three major religions (see eschatology), versus the 'enlightenment' view from several other major faiths. Could what is coming be a 'missing link' in evolution, or prove that there is a god in control of things? Could what a god have set in motion annihilate everything we know? Or is there something that connects all these things, yet none are right? Is there even a point in putting any of it into the big picture? Oh, but there's so much. Next post.

I haven't learned everything, but I have learned there's more to what is in store than electing the first African-American to the office of President of the United States. I am so proud of being an American, especially at this time. As a nation, we told racism to stand back. As a nation, we told the world We Are The People of the United States of America, and we're proud.