What'cha Lookin' Fer?

Friday, November 26, 2010


so, its the day after thanksgiving and i'm trying to motivate myself to accomplish something other than depriving my butt cheeks of air.

it's drizzling outside, just ate a roast beef sandwich, drinking a coke (should be a pepsi, but i'll deal), and craving another cigarette that i don't need.

Hmm!  What to do, what to do ...

Lately, i've been asking myself if all that i search for is worth the search, especially given that my life expectancy probably won't be more than about 80 years (a survey i once took said i was already passed), and i'm convinced that in just a few short years (like 3 or 4) the world will be quite a different place from what it is now.  Then i just reassure myself with "what else am i gonna do with my time other than indulge in debauchery while pretending to be happy with the way things are and/or are going?"  Is not the meaning of life to live?  so, i fill my plate with heaping helpings of everything on the buffet line, only to be too stuffed to enjoy the rest of the day.  I have this problem of grabbing more than i can possibly eat, knowing i can't leave food on the plate ...a dilemma having more implications than just at the dinner table or couch.

My whiteboard is full of things i 'need' to do/find, from philosophy and religion to economics and quantum physics.
My browser window has at any given time more tabs open to a slew of sites than necessary ...but necessary.
My email has more messages than i can read before falling asleep.
My 'youtube' account is probably more confused than i am.
I have opened three facebook groups: two to search for/discuss/disseminate knowledge of humanity, and one for my presidential campaign.  Not to mention the groups I like to keep up with, and a couple of those damned games.
I keep running out of hard drive space, and just recently uninstalled some programs to make room. 
I have stashes of wood, glass and corian for projects around the house that i'm sure i won't get to before i add something else.
My daughter lives an hour away and there's a lifetime of things i want to share with her but have no clue how.
so on and so on ...
and i don't do crack.

i should go on a diet.  stop putting so much on my plate, and only get more after i've finished a helping.  but then another dilemna arises ...one morsel opens up a box of other morsels, which is a part of a collection of boxes on a pallet, in a shipping yard ...endless morsels that eventually 'might' satisfy.  maybe my problem is refusing to limit life.  i want to live my life in such a way that makes my passing not an end but an answer.

oh, woe is not me.  I live in the greatest country on the planet, with a warehouse of tools not far from my fingertips, and i am really my only enemy.  for that, i am thankful, yet overwhelmed.

in closing, life may be busy, but life is grand.